Once the certification is obtained, the companies acquire a series of benefits and tools that will allow them to strengthen their processes and their relationship with the interested parties.
Customer Level
aApproach with clients seeking to establish business relationships with secure companies.
aBrand consolidation in your business relationships.
aIncreased confidence of customers and suppliers as a result of the implementation of the Control and Security Management System (SGCS) BASC.
Customs Level
aThe BASC certification constitutes a platform for the implementation of the Authorized Economic Operator (AEO).
aApproval of the Standards of the C-TPAT program of the Customs of the United States of America.
Organization Level
aOptimization of the control and traceability of the Logistica chain with the consequent benefits that this entails in the event of the discovery of undesirable illicit acts.
aReduction of costs and risks derived from process control.
aImprovement of risk profiles through the identification and management of risks, which increases the security of their processes.
aTimely response to an unlawful finding.
aImplementation of simplified processes that increase their competitiveness.
a Greater commitment and awareness of the staff with the company.